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Sometimes it's difficult to tell if someone is lying, but some studies have shown that when the eyes dilate this is a sign the person is not telling at least the whole truth. 'The eyes are the windows of our soul!'

Here are some signs:

  • When confronted the person who lied may protest in a rage. They just got caught in a lie!
  • They may shuffle from foot to foot.
  • They may not look you directly in the eyes.
  • If they do look you directly in the eyes then check out those pupils!
  • Go red in the face.
  • Pick or bite their nails.
  • Stomp off to another room or slam out of the house, etc.
  • Twisting things so it appears it's your fault.

These are but a few. Instead of aggressively challenging the person be smart and trip them up. You can do this by talking about something completely different and then ever so carefully slip in something about the lying and catch them off guard. The first reaction you get from them should tell you the truth one way or the other.

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Q: What body language tells you if someone is lying?
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How can you determine if someone is lying by body language?

Contrary to popular belief there are no common signs to detecting deception through body language. Body language is used to measure comfort levels, lying often causes the person to show signs of stress. Obviously if you observe someone looking stressed that doesn't mean they're lying To determine if someone is lying you must understand how that person thinks, what is going on their lives, what is their opinion on the subject, what is their opinion of you etc. Body Language is just one of many factor you need to consider.

Does body language tell when a person is lying?

It all depends on what person your dealing with.

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Can you detect lying with body language?

Body language can offer clues that someone may be lying, but it is not a foolproof method. Signs like avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, or changes in vocal tone can indicate deception, but they do not definitively prove lying. It is important to consider other factors and not rely solely on body language to determine if someone is being honest.

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I can give you several sentences.Your body language says that you are nervous.If you watch someone's body language, you can usually learn more than they are saying out loud.Can you learn to control your body language?

What does shrugged mean?

Body language for I don't know [ why. how, where, etc. ].

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Body Language tells us the about our personality. When you talk to anybody just stand up straightly. Don't be bend.

How can you tell if someone your with likes someone else?

Simply - body language Advanced - Intuition!

How aware of your own body language are you Has your body language ever gotten you into trouble when you were communicating with someone?

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