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Verbal abuse is when someone is constantly shouting, embarrassing and picking on an individual and saying cruel and unnecessary statements to that person such as: 'You're ugly'; 'You couldn't get any man if your life depended on it'; 'You're a rotten mother', etc. That is verbal abuse! It is quite normal when in a heated debate with a partner to raise one's voice, but hurtful things towards that person should be controlled. The best way to deal with an argument is to walk away; go for a walk to cool off and then come back and sit down and learn how to communicate each of your feelings. Everyone gets frustrated and a rise in a person's voice is not considered verbal abuse. Letting off a little steam is perfectly normal when frustrated. It's how you handle yourself during that time that counts. Be calm, tell the person what you don't like and walk away if you feel you are losing control and the argument gets out of control. It takes more energy out of a person to argue than to sit down and communicate and respect each other's feelings.

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Q: Isnt raising one's voice during arguments a normal outburst of emotional energy Why is it considered Abuse since anger is considered by many psychologists to be normal?
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