Annie Thurman is not related to Uma. How do I know this - easy... she is my neice! The nicest most modest young lady you would ever meet. Her mother is my wife's sister.
Uma Thurman's birth name is Uma Karuna Thurman.
Her middle name is Karuna.
Uma Thurman was born on April 29, 1970.
yes as in Uma Thurman
To paraphrase the late Robin Harris: Who says Uma Thurman an actress?
Uma is Tibetan word for a certain branch of Buddhist philosophy. Uma means middle in Tibetan and refers to a branch of philosophy called Middle Way. Uma's father, Robert Thurman is a famous Tibetan Buddhist scholar, teaching at Columbia University in New York City. Her named his daughter after this Middle Way or Uma school of philosophy.
Lavender Prada dress of Uma Thurman was created in 1995.
Uma Thurman is an actress and model who was born in Massachusetts on April 29, 1970. Uma is said to weigh 66 kg.
A public fan phone number for Uma Thurman is not known at this time.
US actress Uma Thurman is 46 years old (birthdate: April 29, 1970).