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Q: Did Medea eat her children
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Who kills Medea's children?

Medea kills her own children.

How did medea kill her children?

In the play Medea rushes offstage with a knife to kill her children and also in Eugène Delacroix's painting "Medea about to Kill Her Children painting" she is also holding a knife

Why did Medea kill her children?

Medea killed her children to 'protect' them from being killed out of revenge for what she did to the princess.Answer 2:Or rather to get her revenge on Jason.

Why and how does Medea punish Jason?

She kills his new bride, Glauce, and then her (Medea's) own and Jason's children, Mermerus and Pheres.

Who is Medea responsible for killing?

Medea kills all her children, her ex-husband Jason and his wife Glauce because Medea is angry at her ex-husband. Interestingly, Medea is seen by some as the first 'Feminist' work.

How may children does Medea from Euripides Medea had?

Medea has two children with Jason, both of whom she murders. In the course of the play, Medea also causes the deaths of Glauce, Jason's new bride, and Creon, the King of Corinth. These deaths are all parts of Medea's quest for vengeance against Jason's betrayal, and, by extension, society's callousness towards women and foreigners.

Who are two children of Medea and Jason?

Mermerus and Pheres.

What were Jason and Medea's children named?

Mermerus and Pheres.

Who did Jason from Jason and the Argonauts marry?

Medea (Μήδεια) who bore him 2 children. After Jason left her to marry Glauce (Γλαύκη) Medea sent her a poisoned dress as a gift and killed her own children. The ancient Greek play by Euripides ''Medea'' is consider one of the best tragic plays ever.

Why is Medea upset in the beginning of the play?

1. Why is Medea upset in the beginning of the play? 2. What do you think of Jason, that he is willing to leave Medea for the king's daughter? 3. What does Medea say to the Chorus about the plight of women? Is any of what she says relevant to today? 4. Is the Chorus willing to help Medea with what she plans to do? In your own words, what do they tell her? 5. Why does Jason say he went to marry the princess? 6. Do you get the impression Medea loves her children? What from the text makes you think as you do? 7. What does Medea do to the princess, and how does she do it? 8. What does Medea do to her children? Why does she do it? 9. Medea points out several times in the story that she is foreign. How does the story overall make you feel about Greek society? 10. In some versions of the story, Medea flees Corinth and Creon kills her children. Why do you think Euripides wrote the story the way he did instead?

Who married Jason but then killed her children because he cheated on her?


Why does Medea kill her children?

Medea kills her children in order to deny Jason his legacy. Jason sought immortality; the continuity of his memory and deeds by means of his sons.