

Best Answer

*is healthy & strong

*does not get tired easily

*has flexible body

*move quickly & is alert

*works efficiently

*has emotional, social, spiritual & mental stability

*is confident

*leads a happy relationship with other people

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13y ago
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14y ago

It's a very philosophical question. How long is a piece of string? How much is enough? Etc.

That said I don't think that someone lives their lives unfit, starts going to the gym and one day crosses a magic boundary and is considered "fit", as with someone being tall. One is always tall to some degree from the moment of conception. You can give it a number, but there is no magic height that deems a person is "tall".

As far as numbers in fitness you could measure body fat percentage (don't even mention BMI or I will break your neck), max lifts, lap times etc but there is no magic value.

To repeat what I've just been saying magic numbers do not exist, it is entirely down to opinion. "The quality of being suitable" really depends on your needs, just bear in mind that no-one is above diet and exercise and that there is always room for improvement.

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12y ago

a person is physically fit when he /she can do a regular task without feeling any fatigue and can still do extra task alively.

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14y ago

if the person have a sexy body... yeah.. hahaa

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14y ago


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4y ago

Healthy in mind and body

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Yes mmmmmmm

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