Because they're loud and the team they're cheering on can hear them quite well.
Many of the people who ring the church bells attend the church where the bells are at. One church in York county has the children ring the bells. The children like doing it.
Ring Them Bells was created in 1995-09.
They ring cow bells to show spirit
The bells still ring today and they are used to call people to services, at weddings, and other functions. They also ring out every hour.
Because you can't clap with mittens on. That's a serious answer!
why does church bells ring at 6 pm
The Christmas bells ring in Good Tidings.
Two possibilities are 'Jingle Bells' or 'Ring Out Solstice Bells'.
ring bells
people were too scared to come out of their homes to go and ring the church bells, and also they thought that the enemy would be able to hear the church bells if they were rung, so that would make them open for attack.
When they ring the bell it just means that church is starting.
Yes the bells of Notre Dame de Paris ring. Every day at the hour.