Competition results show up on your horse's history as they happen. You can also view them under the competitions tab.
i know all the cheats to howrse email me i am chloe-lou on howrse
It will either show on your horse's page, or you can go to Breeding Farms --> Competitions and click on the race type that you entered to see the results.
no you don't have to pay it's free to enter competitions.
all you do is go to competitions and enter the howrse of your choice.
Scroll over 'breeding' on the top bar then click 'competitions.' Click on the competition you entered and the results will come up if the race has finished. If it hasn't, it will just say 'pending.' ~Camigurl on howrse if you want to friend!:)
3 years old.
Go to competitions. and then click make one
You can make money through your job, lessons and competitions with your howrse, winning a prize from Xanthos, and selling things.
Buy it or win it in one of the monthly competitions
it gives your horse a skills bonus. NOTE: bonuses only affect competition results; they do not increase your horses skills, or affect which skill level competitions your horse can enter.
You can complete objective 26 on howrse by selling stuff at the store, entering your horse in competitions, and selling horses.
not sure exact number but i know its over 100 as you get 0.83% of a star for every comp ...