Once your howrse reaches sexual maturity, at the right hand side of your howrse's page, if you scroll down, then there will be two options. Castrate or Offer Coverings. Click offer coverings. If you click castrate, then that means that you are taking all of the mature body parts from your howrse, and it won't be able to make fillies or foals [babies].
When you hit the reproduction box, it will show 2 boxes, one will ask if its a open covering, or if its a private.When you hit private, it will ask the horses name and the cost. Dont touch the cost button, just the horses name. Then hit send request.
^^ Actually, you can't offer a free covering to anyone other than yourself, in which case you would pick any price, as you would pay and be paid for the covering. You must pick a price between 200 and 1500 equus for a covering.
You can't. You can offer one for a minimum of 200 equus per covering. I suggest you offer a covering for 500e and then buy a horse for 500e from the owner of the horse your horse covered. That's the closest you can get. Which technically still isn't free, you cost the other player a horse (maybe one they didn't want) and they still had to pay for the vet when the mare gives birth, so yeah. You can't. Sorry, I wish we could too.
Your horse has to be a certain age (2 years, 6 months) to do this:
1. Go to reproduction
2.Click on covering
If you want a random person to breed with your stallion, then click on public.
If you want it reserved for a player, then type in their username and the mare you want to breed with.
If you want one of your own mares to breed with your stallion, then type in her name and click confirm.
Option 3 is the only one where you get to keep the foal- the mare owner always gets the foal.
Hope this helps if you already haven't found out! ( I'm only three days old on it) :)
to cover a mare is to basicallly breed with her/make her pregnant
No. The male gets the money for cover, and the female gets the foal
Covering your mare is basically just another word for breeding your horse.
you should have 100% energy because it uses 25% so your stallion would have 75% left
go to your horse's page>in the bottom right hand corner there will be a button that says offer a covering>click that and type in the username of the person who owns the mare that you are covering> click reserve the covering for the mare that you are breeding with
Easy. You simply go to the stallion you want to breed's page and make a reserved covering offer for yourself. Then you go to the mare you want to breed's page and click on reserved covering offers and click the green check button.
Go down to the bottom of your mare's page where it shows the covering box.Click information and it shows the stallion that covered your mare and at the top of the stallion's name, it shows how long your mare got covered ever since the covering offer got sent to your mare.
it has to be 3 years old, then you scroll down to reproduction, and click public coverings. If you want to breed with one of your stallions then you go to their page and click offer covering, then make sure it is a private covering. then type in the name of the user you want to offer a covering for, and choose the mare. Choose a price too (it won't matter, since you are paying yourself) Then it will take about 10 months of gestation before the foal is born. (your howrses age by 2 months)
On Howrse NIB stands for Non inbred
Go to the covering section and pick out the criteria you want. They'll give you a selection of boys to breed to.
You go to the sales and look for horses with the covering symbol or search for a mare in gestation.
No. They offer diversity training covering sexual orientation, but not gender identity.
It doesn't mean anything really. It's just an objective Howrse makes you do.