In US English, the O is a long O with an R as in hoarse, course, and force. This is considered a 'caret O' (OR/AW) sound because these words are pronounced as AW in non-rhotic British English (hawse).
Does Profile, have a long vowel sound or short vowel sound
The OR in horse has a caret O sound (long O + R). The E is silent. *In British English the OR has the AW sound rather than a long O (ore) sound.
The I has a short I sound, as in mint and sit.
It has a long vowel sound for the A and a short one for the i.
No, "can" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "can" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.
Mud is a short vowel sound.
The "i" in "whistle" makes a long vowel sound.
Splash has a short vowel sound.
It has a short A sound, as in pack and man.
It has one short and one long vowel sound. The I is a short vowel sound, as in "ill." The OW makes a long O (oh) vowel sound.
Black is a short vowel. Blake is the equivalent long vowel sound.
The A in "had" has a short A vowel sound as in have, has, and bad.