

Answers with PW

Updated: 9/27/2023

<p>PW gives us the inside scoop on his latest EP titled &quot;From London With Love,&quot; set to release September 1st. This EP will mark his journey, time and love story told from his point of view as a young man from London whilst New York dreaming.</p> <p>Akheim Allen from Edmonton, London, better known by his stage name PW, is a British hip-hop artist.</p>

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Lvl 6
5y ago

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You started by posting videos of yourself on YouTube. How are today's technological innovations helping young performers break out to a larger audience?

Technology grows everyday, I see Soundcloud being what Myspace use to be. Soundcloud has created a platform for new emerging artist where there is a community of people that only visit your page just to hear your music, nothing else, no pictures, no meaningless tweets- just the music; and thats what I love about it.The internet has always been a great tool but daily we are introduced to new possibilities for artist to be heard.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
Your music videos are inspired by the fashion scene. What are your thoughts on fashion?

Fashion has always been a form of expression. I love how it has evolved over the years and how trends come in and go; as they say though 'Fashions fade, style is eternal' so I try my hardest not to follow trends but its hard when designers are basically releasing the same thing just with a different name on the tags. I have always been into fashion- in school I would always win best dressed or most stylish, I guess that comes from me wanting to stand out from the crowd; when my peers were still wearing bootcut jeans that looked like 70's disco pants I was wearing slim fit jeans with high top air forces. I take pride in how I dress, its what people know me for now- I got to keep up.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
Your music has taken you to places all around the world. What city did you like the most?

They say there is no place like home, I agree; but there are some wonderful places on this earth, my favourite city I have visited has to be Stockholm- definitely the cleanest; the people are very polite and overall its just a great city.I remember being in school and the teacher asking the class where would we want to live in the world, I remember responding anywhere my career takes me with no clue about what I was going to be I've always been fond of travelling though- I'm glad music has helped me see parts of the world.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
A few years ago, you were just a guy going to college making music in his spare time. What's different about making music now compared to when you started out?

When I first started creating music I saw it as a hobby and didn't really understand the science of it; it took me a while to really comprehend how artist like 'Drake' and 'Frank Ocean' are connecting with so many people, I had to realise that their honesty and vulnerability in records is what is allowing them to connect with people as their is always someone out there that can relate ; don't get me wrong everyone is different, but I know there's a group of people somewhere in the world that is going through exactly what I'm going through- I just got to make sure I articulate my story vividly. I approach my music with three simple techniques and that is soundscape, style and content- all these three factors create PW, what I embody and the message I am relaying on my songs.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
If you weren't a rapper, what would you be?

Before I was a rapper, I was studying Criminology with Law at university with the thought of going on to become a social worker or get into Law in some sort of aspect- the social worker side just came from my ever burning desire to better my community, but I guess I'm doing it in another way; providing hope for those kids looking up at me. I would also probably be playing soccer professionally- I played at youth level for one year at Fulham FC and played in Italy and Cyprus, I am very passionate about football, its something I want to continue being apart of in years to come- I just need to make sure I am a success in music first, cause as you know you can't feed two kings.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
What have you done differently with From London With Love?

I'm rapping better that's for sure, but I would say that the direction of the music is definitely in a different direction- sound wise and subject wise, I feel like I'm touching on real subjects with this project; letting people know about me a lot more- on my old songs I felt like I was very on the surface and people didn't know who I am or where I came from; with this project I wanted to welcome my supporters into my world. It's a EP full of just pure honesty.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
What are your goals for the rest of the year?

My goals for the rest of the year is to release this EP and get back in front of my supporters; every other day someone asks me when is new Music coming out, I want to focus on that first giving the people what they want- everything else is secondary. Performing live is one of my favourite things about being an artist; so I want to get on the road and do what I do best: kill shows.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
What advice would you give to anyone out there hoping to be the next PW?

I just say keep focused and work hard- the internet is at your disposal; use it to help further yourself; but most importantly don't try and be the next PW, be yourself; find yourself in this world and become great at being you. It takes a while to find yourself, but I always put it down to age and wisdom- it will come, just be patient and stay focused.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
You started rapping at 14. What made music a passion for you back then?

I've always been a fan of rap, I think 'Jay-z Blueprint' alongside 'Eminem- Marshall Mathers LP' was my first ever album purchases; so I would say I was always a student of the game. Growing up I was a very inquisitive young kid- I still am, I use to see all my friends in school rapping every lunch time underneath the bike shed, and I was intrigued but rarely took part, until my cousin created his own rap crew and back then whatever he would do, I would want to be apart of it- so I began rapping, after a few months he eventually let me join the group and after that it was a everyday thing- at every opportunity I would be rapping; lunch time Football was taken over by cyphers in the bike shed, homework after school was replaced by sets at local pirate radio station 'Axe FM', still handed in the homework on time though, I just became fascinated with the culture and never stopped loving it. I would say just the level of enjoyment from creating music is what made it a passion for me.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
5y ago
You've said that you write to inspire younger generations, including your little brother. What themes do you try to portray with your music?

I want to show the younger generation that it's ok to stand out from the crowd and never to follow the norm. Take me for instance, I grew up in an area infested with gang violence and crime but I still manage to look above that and look in the mirror and tell myself "I want to be more than a statistic- I want to be great," I target my little brother as I feel like he's me, he now attends the same school I did, he lives in the same area I did. So I'm trying to make him stay on the correct path- he's doing really well in school at the moment so I don't think I will have anything to worry about for now. I feel I have a voice in my community so any time I have a chance to put out positivity I will. If you listen to my latest song 'Blow' you can find I'm touching on these subject matters, explaining that I see what is going on around me but I choose to not be apart of it or be influenced in any sort of way. I just hope its the same for my brother.

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