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Alcazar - Crying at the discotheque

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Q: You wore a tie like Richard Gere. line from a song?
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What is the music Richard gere plays on the piano?

The piece of music I assume you are enquiring about is in Pretty Woman (late at night in the hotel). This was written and performed by Richard Gere himself. In the movie credits (and all over the internet for that matter) it is only referred to as Richard Gere's piano solo.

Who sang the song 'Ill Wind' in the movie titled 'Cotton Club' with Richard Gere?

Lonette McKee

In 'no mercy' what is the name of the song Kim Basinger is dancing to in the club when Richard gere's character finds her?

I'm desperate for the name of that song as well. Has anyone found out the name of the song:?

Who sings the song in Shall you Dance when Richard Gere is in a tux and goes to the store to dance with his wife?

book of love - peter gabriel

In the movie Shall we Dance with Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon they are dancing in the dept. store - what song is playing and sho sings it?

Peter Gabriel it is from his album 'scratch yours'.

What Christmas song contains the line how silently how silently?

'Little Town' by Cliff Richard

What is the name of the song Richard hammond hates?

I know what I like

What is Richard hammonds genesis song?

I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)

What is the song title to the tango Jennifer Lopez and Richard gere danced to?

This great song is performed by the group Gotan Project, and the song I found on itunes was on the album La Revencha del Tango. The name of the song is "Santa Maria" and I am downloading it as we speak. I first heard it on the mix album called "World Cafe" that I am in the process tracking down. Happy dancing!

Would like to find a gospel song titled Without You and its sung by Richard Simmons of the Dove Brothers?

it can be purchased by contacting Richard at

What song was playing in step up in the dance club?

The song is called......"I like that." by Richard Vission and Static Revenger Luciana.

What song in Step Up do they play while in the club?

The song is called......"I like that." by Richard Vission and Static Revenger Luciana.