I've seen April O'Neil use it on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoons... I think that may have been one of the first times it was used.
the movie is called funny -funny ha ha
supports opinion with facts
Oh yeah! It is such a funny movie! I would give it 5 stars! Agreed
This move is called SLINGBLADE with Billy Bob Thorton
wild hogs was released in 2007. go see old dogs coming to theaters soon it looks so funny!
Bugs Bunny
The movie came out in 1957.
"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (1953)
A movie can be funny in a variety of ways. If it makes you laugh, it can be considered funny. Sometimes it is purposely funny, as in comedies. Other times a movie is so bad that it is funny.
the movie is called funny -funny ha ha
Yes, she did she made The Last Song and Hannah Montana the Movie (Hannah Montana the movie was hecka funny)
It was all in-line skaters. The movie was Airborne. Jack Black was in it. Small part but still funny.
ANY chucky movie is funny. X)
2007 or 2008 but its a funny movie and you guys should watch it. it should be on your TV on the movie channels.
Scary movies turned into really funny sketches
I've been searching everywhere for the origin of his quote. Anyone? This line isn't from a movie, but an American television series episode. "You very funny man, regurar Bob Hope!" is from M*A*S*H*, Season 7, Episode 17, titled "Inga".
"My most favorite funny quote from the movie Garden State is: We're not playing ""Spin the Bottle."" How old are we? More importantly, how old are they? It makes me think about how at any age people can still act like teenagers."