Counterpart-A person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in a different area.
Martha Washington, The wife of George Washington.
Absolute peak anaerobic power is how much power (in Watts) a person can exert at one time. There are many ways that absolute peak power can be measured but a common way is a 30 sec wingate test which is done on an exercycle. Absolute peak power differs from relative peak power as relative peak power takes into account the persons weight, where as absolute doesnt. Therefore the bigger and stronger you are, the higher your absolute Pp would generally be. But when converted to relative Pp (absolute Pp/weight), you have a Pp relative to each person - not worrying about the persons own weight so you can compare using this.
Yep- she was the mother of the gent that founded the restaurant chain. She made really good pies- starting in 1930 in Huntington Beach CA.
your job is to hold the casket of the person who died (only if your a family relative or a really close friend) and walk it around for the viewing of the body and the burial of the body yet afterwards you help dig the persons grave for the casket to go into.
All companies have determined what all of their starting salaries will be for each position. A person can get raises after showing their value.
The velocity of a person relative to the ground depends on their speed and direction of movement. It is typically measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h) and can be positive (moving forward) or negative (moving backward). This velocity is determined by the person's motion relative to the stationary ground.
I think there is a misunderstanding of the meaning of Nepotism. Nepotism is the practice of a relative preferring a relative for a position or benefit over a better qualified person. In some ways this is illegal in all of the USA, hiring for example. In some ways it is not.
A distant relative.
Ventral orientation position is when an organism or structure is facing downwards towards the ground or belly side. This position is commonly used in anatomical and biological descriptions to indicate the position or orientation of an organism relative to other structures or the external environment.
The person is using mechanical energy to lift the chair. Mechanical energy involves the kinetic energy of moving the chair and the potential energy stored in the chair due to its position relative to the ground.
not exactly. it is possible, but it is also possible that the person didn't care about the relative or it was impossible to get there.
No. The size of a person's skull varies a bit from person to person, somewhat relative to overall height, but not relative to their weight specifically.
They'd be called that person's relative.
Position refers to the location or placement of an object or person relative to other objects or a reference point. It can be described using coordinates, such as latitude and longitude on a map, or in terms of distance and direction from a specific point or landmark. Position is essential in navigation, physics, and many other fields to determine location in space or on a surface.
The position-time graph for a person walking away from a starting point at a constant speed would be a straight line with a positive slope indicating a constant increase in position over time.
A person walking through a park can be described in terms of a reference point like a tree. As the person moves relative to the tree, their position changes with respect to it. This reference point helps in understanding the direction and distance traveled by the person.