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A common fear among singers, because A. It feels stupid, and B. you can see every face, every expression, every judgement. Just think of these situations as auditions, give your all, and look at the spaces between the people, it gives the illusion of singing to them all. When you make eye contact, try not to make longeye contact as it forces the audience member to repond. Good Luck.

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Q: You are not afriad to sing in front of a crowd but you are afraid to sing in front of a few people?
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I was afraid of speaking in front of people until I took some acting classes.

What is in front of a crowd called?

"In front of a crowd" could mean presenting to a large audience, or performing in front of a large audience.

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think that you are NOT in front of a big crowd, but in front of a friend or a loved one. But if you cant do that, look at something else than people (a lamp, garbage can, building etc.) and speak to that. It may seem stupid, but i works.picture crowd nakeddeep breathcalm downdrink water

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yes in front of people crowd outsiders the outside life

What is it like to sing in front of a crowd?

i know how you feel i had to sing infrount of a lot of people once

Stage fright is when you don't want to go in front of big crowds and you get really scared and you don't really want to go in front of them because you are afraid of what people will think of you?

it is beucase some people are afraid of some people sabrina matt it is beucase some people are afraid of some people sabrina matt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER yes, this is considered stage fright. but this is not abnormal! the number one fear in america is talking in front of big crowds. although I'm a talented actress and have a large fan crowd I still get stage fright, theres something about putting yourself out there for all to see. many feel naked standing alone in front of people. it all ties back into the concept of being judged. when you are up infront of people, theres no other distractions, its all about you! and thats really terrifying to most people

Why are people afraid of giving a speech?

There are several reasons, but one reason is that people fear being embarrassed in front of a large crowd. Another reason someone may be fearful of public speaking is that they are insecure about themselves, or that they don't know the material well enough to answer all of the questions that may be asked.

How do you perform in front of a crowd?


How do you become a singer at age 9 now?

sing in front of a crowd and show people the real you! Cailey N.:)

When can you get stage fright?

Any time you are on a stage, or in front of a crowd of people. SOmetimes called fear of Speaking in Public.

Why have spectator sports improved?

they have improved becasue people want to do there best in front of a crowd so the more people that cpme to watch the better they do.