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Q: Wynton marsalis blows one
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In what sense do Ralph and Piggy make one whole boy while dealing with the coach?

Because Piggy knows how to blow the conch but Ralph is the one who actually blows the conch

How hidan dies?

Shikimaru pretends he is dead and traps Hidan with several letter bombs and makes a hole underneath him and tosses Asuma's ligther and it blows up. Hidan falls in the hole trapped by boudlers.Shikimaru drops one more letter bomb and it blows up leaving Hidan behind. Hidan doesn't die,but he is stuck there forever.

Who finds Ralph's hiding place in the thicket in Lord of the Flies chapter 12?

From their voices Ralph identified that Jack, Roger and at least one of the twins were outside the thicket, as he heard Roger and Jack question either Sam or Eric, to confirm that the thicket was Ralph's intended hiding place.

Is there a fourth powerpuff girl?

In one of the episodes of The Powerpuff Girls, the three original ones tried repeating the process that the Professor did to make them, but the fourth one does more destruction then help. She later blows up....they never speak of her again. So yes there was a fourth. By the way she was the purple one. yea also she was way bigger than the others ..... type it up on and she is named Bunny (powerpuff girl's names start with B, have 2 syllables and a double consonant)

With ep Does deidara die Shippuden Ep?

I've been sneaking around in youtube to find some answers on that and it turns out that deidara doesn't die YAY I saw this episode on you tube. sasuke stops the suicider bomb, and some how it blows up anyway and they thinks he's dead so they leave. it made me sad but i was still watching the movie when i saw the rocks where it exploded where moving and deidara basicly pushed his way out. but now he's PO that he didnt blow up sasuke and also that he lost both of his arms. He lost the first one gaara crushed it in there battle and the sand village and the second one when either lee or the dude with long hair made a spacial deminsion and it took his arm with it. also i looked for the episode but i couldn't sry, but i kind of explained the two episodes for ya! _________________________________________________________________ It was actually Kakashi who crushed his right arm. He used his Mangekyou Sharingan for the first time against Deidara.

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Where is wynton marsalis statue standing?

there is one statue in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

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harry corbin was an amzing bugle player he is one of the best when he fought in world war 2 Harry Corbin was the finest bugle player during WWII, my grandfather STILL talks about his talent. He often goes on and on about how when Harry touch the instrument it would take him back home to Tennessee.

Who plays the trumpet on opening of the CBS Show Sunday Morning?

That would be the legendary Wynton Marsalis, honey. He's a jazz icon and he sure knows how to blow that trumpet like nobody's business. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the smooth sounds of Wynton on Sunday Morning.

Name of famous black trumpeters from new Orleans?

that question is an easy one to answer. first name in my head is Louis Armstrong. he is known for pretty much inventing jazz on a trumpet. he is a great man in the world of jazz trumpet. the next one is King Oliver. he was also a great jazz trumpet player. there are many, many more, you just have to look. hope i helped

Who was the world greatest trumpet player?

The real answer is, "best" is a matter of opinion. It's like asking "What's the best car to buy?" All depends on your musical taste. Some would say Miles Davis, others might argue Louis Armstrong. Could go on forever... Dizzy Gillepsi Wynton Marsalis

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i need your help on this one my own self

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Who is famous that plays the trumpet?

Oh, gosh, there are hundreds! Louis Armstrong was one. Randy Brecker, Maynard Fergeson (spelling?), and so many more. Louis Armstrong was one of the best :) Legendary: Wynton Marsalis, Maynard Ferguson, James Stamp, Rafael Mendez, Thomas Stevens, Phil Smith, Adolf Herseth, Miles Davis, Lee Morgan, Freddie Hubbard, Clifford Brown, Dizzy Gillespie... and MANY MORE Modern: Terrell Stafford, Wayne Bergeron, Adam Rapa, Chris Martin, Joe Burgstaller, Wynton Marsalis, David Hickman, Manny Laureano, Allen Vizzutti, Vincent Dimartino, ... so many more. Nowadays, there are many more good lead players than there used to be, but far less soloists/ orchestral players. Though there is a new wave of young classical and orchestral talent coming from Europe and the states: Matt Muckey, Ruben Simeo, Sergei Nakariokov, as well as tons that I left out. a few others are: Mike Vax, Arturo Sandoval, Doc Severson. I have heard many of them either in concert or in a clinic, just amazing what they can do. My one mistake that I will regret is missing Freddie Hubbard live. Also its hard to compare trumpet players of different times, Louis Armstrong was the best of his time, had a good voice also.

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He blows down 2 but tries to blow down three.

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yea they do when one blows up a chain reaction happens earth will go second