It depends on what guy you are, Dawn can understand animals, and she is a animal person. Try finding things that are common between both of you.
He would throw the biggest party EVER!!!!!!
The idea is that they go back home just as a person on any "real" reality show would.
No, but it would be awesome if he has.. *drools*
I could be wrong but she doesn’t look half Black half White to me. She doesn’t look like the half White half Black people I have seen in my life. I don’t know what Tom McGillis was intending her race to be but in my personal opinion I would mark her as “Hispanic”.
That would be my girlfriend.....
I think so, but it is total drama so they have all kinds of twist. Who would have Owen would have won like he did??
If you are referring to the name of the island where Total Drama Island takes place, that would be Camp Wawanakwa.
Beth wins total drama action because Duncan gets caught cheating in the final event!!!!!!!!!!!SO SAD:(:(:(:(
um no. she doesn't wear a wig in total drama island why would she wear a wig in real life?
They probably would, the creators of the Total Drama Series is Teletoon (A TV Channel in Canada) And Total Drama Action is currently going on for America. And they have shared TDI and TDA with us. So they probably will share TDM with us too.
He dates vanessa smith FIND HER ON TWITTER @BabyPreciousXo BUT I THNK THEY BROKE UP
no Justin Biebers brother is only days old
That would be awesome because you maybe lucky and never know you could be up for a threesome
He would throw the biggest party EVER!!!!!!
Everyone has Drama in their life whether it boyfriend/girlfriend drama, or clique drama. Its hard to handle, but there are some key points to keep in mind. If the person that is causing you drama has done this many times before you need to find a new friend because if they were a true friend they would avoid having drama with you. If it is the first this person has done it sit down with them and talk it out remember to be nice about it!!!! Hope I helped:)
in season 1 Owen im sad about that i wish Gwen would of won
after every aftermath in Canada they show every episode after from then to the aftermath.(it will air after 6 weeks after the aftermath)