Suicide on 08-26-1977 at age 70. I don't know why. He was a wonderful actor and is much missed. One of the most seen John Ford stock company actors.
Willie Dennis died on 1965-07-08.
Philip Willis Tone died in 2001.
Mr. Chuck Willis died of complications during surgery for stomach ulcers.
Willis Gaylord Clark died in 1841.
Edward Willis Redfield died on 1965-10-19.
Willis Bouchey's birth name is Willis Ben Bouchey.
Willis Bouchey is 5' 9".
Willis Bouchey was born on May 24, 1907, in Vernon, Michigan, USA.
Willis Allen died in 1859.
Don Willis died in 1984.
Willis Cuttell died in 1929.
Austin Willis died in 2004.
Willis Brewer died in 1912.
Willis Polk died in 1924.
Willis Lamb died in 2008.
Errick Willis died in 1967.
Willis Buell died in 1851.