I think there will be a season 4 because The actual enemy has no yet been defeated right
EDIT by Ace Pilot: It is very possible to have a fourth season to this anime, and it is a very great anime imo. If there would to be another season, it would air sometime in July, as they did with the previous seasons. Actual confirmation of the fourth season (if there is any) should be showing up later this spring. And as you said, the main enemies are still around, and we have yet to discover the other void user, so i do believe a fourth season is coming but lets hope it doesnt end at four seasons.
Plus They Didnt Tell us Anything About Ga
indulfr and saito still has to finish the mission the water spirts placed before him.
So I Believe That There Will Be.
There been some licensing issues and the regular light novels need to get ahead as the 3rd season rushed to much. But seeing as there several companys are fighting for the rights to publish translate and anything else,including one rumor that the original light novels will be translated and it making a ton of money in merchandise. The smart money is that are softcore S&M couple will be back for 4th season if not a 5th and 10th.
At this moment, unfortunetly, the possiblity is getting smaller. The three previous series were first aired in early June in their respective years. When I am writing this there has been no update on a season 4 and it is the 25 June, so June is drawing to an end. When you read this it will logically be later than 25/7/09, so we can only hope.
new news for Zero no Tsukaima:
It is already into October when i am first seeing this news. from what i have heard the characters who do the voices for Saito and Louise are working on a project for another show (Shakugan no Shana). it is October 5th today and from what i have seen they are doing an ova for shakugan no shana and then a season 3. after this sometime in the 2010 year they will begin work on the new season. I can not confirm this at this time but a lot of people have the smae opinions. Plus if you have been watching shakugan no shana, Season 3 will probably be the last season, and then they will move onto Zero no Tsukaima Season 4.
There's a very slim chance that there even will be a season 4, and Seven Seas has long made up its mind to not publish the English translations of the Light Novels. Hopefully, someone at Baka-tsuki will translate them or another company will decie to buy the licence. They probably are just waiting for the novel to end so they can do them all at once. Hopefully the demand for more will increase and the companies will begin to take notice and put forth another season.
Afterall, producing anime is a buisness and as ratings drop for additional seasons, the less inclined they are to make more.
I suggest reading the light novels.
there will be a 4th season of zero no tsukaima because they haven't returned the ring of the holy spirit in the water
There is no news of ZnT season four this year. There has been no work done for this and will have to wait at least another year for it. There is also a chance that they dropped the series due to the declining ratings in the production. The lead lousie has been working on other projects such as shana. There is no notice that it will come out in 2011 or 2012 or even in the future. So keep your head up high and lets slowly try to forget one of the best/cutest anime in history. Just like your failed first love forgetting this is the best solution. GL! everyone! ZnT FOREVER
Well the production of Shakugan no Shana Third just finished so the production of Zero no Tsukaima Season 4 might be on its way. Since Shana came out first I guess they had to make the next season for it first? Anyway for those hardcore ZnT fans out there there might still be hope, so wait another year! I know I will.
28th July 2010
Even if they didn't return the spirit of water the ring.
look. those people who watched hundred know that all animes end like that without answering their watchers questions. like angel beats and darker than black
some animes answer their watcher questions while some don't.
There are news that, ZERO NO TSUKAIMA WILL BE COMING OUT FEBRUARY 2011 =D sooo excited *giggles*
I heard on a few anime boards that in either February or march, the fourth season will be confirmed, and if it is confirmed, then it will release over the summer. Of course, we'll still have to wait a week for every new episode, and how long it takes for them to get a decent fansubbing has to be factored in. Still, I'll just be happy to have more of ZnT
I hope i just finished watching all the 3 seasons including the OVA i really love this anime a perfect match of Comedy and Romance i hope and i wish that the production will not fail us i know for sure billions of ZNT fan is waiting for the season 4 i really love this anime i hope i can meet the writer of ZNT as well as the person behind the voice of Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière I Wilfredo A. Agustin II from Cebu City, Philippines hope to see you some time in the future my email add for Yahoo and FACEBOOK is "waagustin17@yahoo.com"... pls im really hoping and praying that sometime this summer season 4 will be out Long live to the staff and Cast of ZNT guys i have read from different forum the JC staff is already working on the season 4 search on YouTube the different screenshots of season 4 guys spread please the news and you might as well post it on facebook long life ZNT STAFF and CAST
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in July 2011 but i cant remmember the exact date there was a rumor going around say it was in July 2009 but that was a mix up and i heard this from realiable source my uncle who works at station where the episodes are made you can even see the opening for season 4 on youtube which was posted by my cousin hope this information will be useful to u
There probable wont be because if any think was going to come out it would of come out February. If it isn't out in 2011 then where probably wont be anything else.
:( :( :(
I think no there wil be no zero no tsukaima season 5 cause ZNT F are the finale season..sorry about that..
She was roughly 12 at the beginning of the series and judging by how the Headmaster was discussing the new year curriculum with the students she probably has aged about one year, making her 13 and Saito 17
No there won't. Nickelodeon announced that season 4 would be the last season and no new episodes would be produced after that.
I think there will not be a season 4
She finds out in the final episode of the first season She is with Suzaku and he shoots zeros helmet off thus letting karin see his face >:}