the sora no otoshimono series is, i think, almost going according the manga
(they just let one arc out)m so when the manga is far enough they would probably make a third season
or they will make the sora no otoshimono movie be the end
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Fans very often asked producents if sora have love in the movie. In first and second season ked is in love with sora but she like just like a friend. Leon first very hate sora because he worry her because she could be better than he but later when he see that sora has the same dream like his sister he begin like her in last part in second season it looks that he want to kiss her on the stage. Pruducents told that sora in series hasnt crush. After 1 year they made the magazine about kaleido star 10 years after series. Magazine is about sora sister yume but is there that sora did marry leon and they have 2 daugters. Mia did marry Ken and yuri Leyla.
From everything I have read on the net it's seems like there will not be a third season of Corpse Princess
sadly, no
Mansour Sora Wade was born in 1952.
sora no otoshimono forte has already come out and finished but there is also a movie and maybe a third season.
It is called Sora no Otoshimono Forte
There is no "Sora" in Sora no Otoshimono, it means Heaven's Lost Property.
your getting ahead of yourself......... the third seasons coming out January 22 ,2013....well its a approximation well just have to watch that before were going to conclude a season 4...these questions shouldn't really be asked
Its not gonna
Sora no Otoshimono - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+ Canada:13+ (Quebec) (VHS/DVD rating) New Zealand:R16 USA:TV-MA
Gekijouban Sora no otoshimono Tokei jikake no enjeroido - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M Canada:13+ (Quebec) Japan:G South Korea:15
The second movie was meant to end the series, this means there is no plan for a season 3 release.
DearS , Ah! My Goddess , Chobits , Akikan! and Girls Bravo .
DearS , Ah! My Goddess , Chobits , Akikan! and Girls Bravo .
The cast of Sora no Otoshimono - 2009 includes: Terri Doty as Additional Voices Saori Hayami Jamie Marchi as Mikako Satsukitane Hoshi Souchirou as Sakurai Tomoki Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Eishiro Sugata Ayahi Takagaki as Mikako Satsukitane Alison Viktorin as Tomoko