No. According to Unnatural History wikipedia, Cartoon Network has not renewed the series for a second season.
Yes. It was cancelled.
The second season appears to already be out. Season 2 for History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi has been confirmed to be aired on March 9, 2010.
No, they aren't going to make a season 2 of Rurouni Kenshin. If you want to find out what happens next, read the manga. All of Kenshin's history and a little bit of his future is in there. Watch the OVAs if you want to know all of what happens to Kenshin.
Unfortunately there is no season 2.
capeta has no season 2.. the copyright of f1 is too expensive, they cant afford it.
As of right now there will never be a second season of Unnatural History it was CANCELED
As of right now there will never be a second season of Unnatural History it was CANCELED
As of right now there will never be a second season of Unnatural History it was CANCELED
There wont be another season cause of gay cartoon network canceling it cause it had low ratings :(
They say it was canceled i don't know about it if they changed their minds. Lets hope they do
Unnatural History was created in 1983.
I'm srry no there is not going to be second season Kevin said so himself in a YouTube video but another great show tower prep you should check it out
buy it on I tunes
Unnatural History III was created in 1997.
Unnatural History - Doctor Who - was created in 1999.