Well there is not exatly porn, but there is signs of topless and nude, just like the U.K if you are old enough to see these mature sights; then its acceptable.
In manga/Anime they allow bikini scenes and sometimes topless woman, they also allow homosexual characters.
black cat end happy
Shinsekai yori, Beserk, Black Lagoon, and Steins Gate are all very serious anime, that do not have most of the elements that an average anime does.
Darker than black anime huh??? I have found a link which may lead to you in that anime but sorry there is no part 2 of this anime but there is an ova that is still on going, HERE it is: http://www.anilinkz.com/category/darker-than-black/ or http://www.animecrazy.net/darker-than-black-anime/ PS> BUT RECENTLY I HAVE FOUND A LINK THAT HAS DARKER THAN BLACK SEASON 2... http://www.zomganime.com/anime/darker-then-black-season-2/ --> hope that I have helped you. =) edit: there is no actual dub for the second season but funimation has anounced they will have it dubbed by 2011. no specific date is set though
It is basically Anime some people here say anime manga but anime and manga is different. Manga is like a comic but black and white and you read it from right to left. and anime basically means animation in Japanese. So yeah...
Nope, sorry! But the manga is still going.
Black. because anime skin is black.
No it does not. It might be made in the near future since the manga ended last year in December.+1closeclosepinpinsearchminimizeforwardbackViewTextzoomoutzoominzoomin
A black bird is black in color.
the name of a black bird is ''BLACK BIRD''
a black bird
Drossel is from the anime Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler). He is an anime original character that first appeared in episode 10.
A black bird is alive and not an element.
a Rook is a bird with a black head.
A "black bird" is an animal not an element.
The black bird classification is a bird
no it's black