Yes Cena Is Back Wade Barrett Rehired John Cena And Made A Match But After Cena Is Rehired The Nexus Attack Him
John Cena Came Back At Royal Rumble And Guess What He Also Won It
Wade Barrett 'reinstated' him.
John Cena Finisher's (2002-2008) FU (2009--) Attiude Adjustment (2002-2008 STFU 2009-2010) STF
no. the rock does for taking his finisher.
John Cena is in 2011
No John Cena is not fired forever he is going to come back after 6-8 years there are rumors that john cena will come back in wrestlemania
john cena will be coming back on servivers serice in 2008 on 23 november.
Yes Cena Is Back Wade Barrett Rehired John Cena And Made A Match But After Cena Is Rehired The Nexus Attack Him
He got badly hurt so he left his hurt sealed and his coming back in 2008
John Cena Came Back At Royal Rumble And Guess What He Also Won It
Probably not
Yes yes
of course