You can do it either by getting twelve points in hall of fame mode OR On GM 24/7 mode you need to simulate to wrestlemania and play a title match and win and you will unlock Wresltemania
go to 24/7 mode and hit x and it will ask if you want to play as superstar,caw,or gm.choose gm and that's all you have to do
you cant
Oct 18 2010 yes its true because he sign a new contract as raw gm
Beat him down a little bit then do it if that doesnt work then use the objects in the GM `office
Dont know yat
probably not because they stopped putting gm mode on svr since 2008
No there is not.
unfortunetly the anwer is no
yes and its fun
go to game mode, 24/7 and then choose genral manager
No, there is no road to wrestlemania on svr 2007 but there is season mode and gm mode.
Yes THQ has put gm mode in i hope every fan will enjoy smackdown vs raw 2010 out on october 20
Alright, number one, the game isn't WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2012. It is just WWE'12. And number two,no it dosen't because I have played it and it dosen't have it. One thing though, WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2008 does have General Manager mode though. Hope this was helpful!!!
There is no GM mode as in 07 and 08 but there is a new story designer mode which allows you to create the matches for that week's show (RAW, SmackDown, ECW) like in GM Mode, but also allows you to create your own storylines using cut scenes/interferences to make it like a real WWE event.
go to game modes and then go to 24/7 mode and u could choose to play as gm