No. Shawn Micheals is retired as a full time wrestler and makes sporadic appearances - usually once or twice a year.
Triple H is the on screen Authority figure as the COO of the WWE and comes on shows (RAW and Smackdown) almost every week. But, he is semi-retired and doesnt wrestle that often
Shawn Michaels had to retire because he lost a match to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26. The stipulation was that if Shawn Michaels won, the Undertaker's 17-0 streak was over. If he lost, which he did, he would have to retire. Some people are probably thinking Shawn will come back, but he is not, and even said as much. He was inducted into the 2011 class of the WWE Hall of Fame.
Shawn did not break his back, he took a back body drop to the outside of the ring and smashed his lower back on the casket during a bout with The Undertaker, causing him to have a hernia in two of his discs and crush one completely.
Yes, Shawn Michaels does in fact use Dip. If you look you can see a round object in his back left pocket, that is the tin the Dip is held in... Actually No he doesn't
He 'oversold' because, originally, Shawn was booked to win the match. But Hogan being a spoiled sport decided he didn't want to play ball, so he convinced the Booker's to let him win and Shawn payed Hulk back by making him look like a fool. That is one of the reason why Shawn Michaels is the greatest of all time.
Shawn Micheal's
Triple H is but Shawn isn't
Shawn Micheal is coming back somewhere in early august or maybe at summerslam. Oh! and undertaker is coming back at unforgiven/breaking point
Becuase he's coming back.
Triple H will come back in 2011..but Shawn Michaels is gone.
No, He ain't coming back.
no because Shawn michaels retired and triple h is out of action
Never now as Shawn Michaels has retired.
You will have to change the way that you eat if you want to stay healthy. Make sure that you are eating a well balanced diet. That does not mean that you have to cut out all your favorite kinds of food. You will just need to cut back and only eat them once in awhile.
Shawn Michaels will be at WWE Tribute to the Troops 2010. He and Triple H will be reuniting for the event. It is unknown if their return will be shown on TV.
He should come back on August 10th to reform DX with Triple H to face Legacy.