1. They're in an all-girls school
2. They're not pretty
3. They don't know any boys because they're nerds
4. Boys don't like them
5. Their parents are over-protective
6. All of the above (which is, oh-so-amazing, my case)
He is dating me:D Muahahhhahahha girls hess mine we had sex about 60 times and now im pregnat:D my baby is a boy and i'll call him Javier :) Soo girls if you want him ask me first!! bye bye dols! and btw He wont date u cuz he love me!! try your luck!;) Byee girls
It wont have an english release date, it was cancelled for an english version, sorry
There is someone for him out there and i think when he finds her he wont care about all that
You have to meet him and catch his eye. Or you have to win one if you do you just have to make a impression.
There is nudity through out the series, but you wont be able see anything except a blur unless your watching the UNCENSORED version.. Definitely worth the extra adjective in the title though.
I think they wont care. My dad sometimes wears my moms thongs and we don't care.
Go on a date secretly and if they dont find out....YOUR GOOD
1. they are stupid 2. their moms wont buy them a bra 3. they dont need one 4.they are slutty 5. because they forgot
thats really depends. Some moms wont but some moms have eyes in the back of their heads and the ears of a hawk.
i wont to go to the glow for teen but o am 11 year old i wont to go
Boys typically like what it is that their mothers look like. There are some exceptions, however guys unconsciously look for girls who resemble their moms in some way. Jaden is unique, so I'm certain he likes all kinds of girls ;)
if you stink really bad girls will run away from you and you wont get a prom date
Talk to him about it.
Just because you have glasses it doesn't mean girls wont like you, actually there is many guys with glasses that date and all the girls like. So don't worry, that won't stop the girls.
you can legally, if your parents say its okay, when you get older 3 years wont matter but when your a teen age, 3 years is a big deal! good luck :)
they wont.
the girls wont fight