you all saw that undertaker suffered many moves like 3 padigrees 1 tombstone spine buster chair shots a human is not able to tolrate these all
Undertaker is not currently holding any belts. He is taking a break from having an epic fight with Triple H at Wrestlemania 27.
Actually undertaker beat triple h at wrestlemaina 27 also it is highly spoken about that there will a certain fight between John Cena and undertaker at wrestlemaina 29 not 28 because John will be vs the rock and then later on wrestle maina 29 John Cena will end his streak so i cant wait until 2013
yes, the Undertaker did retire just in January because he felt that he was too old to wrestle anymore. Feb 2009 The Undertaker (Mark Calaway) is not retired!!! He is still wrestling and will be wrestling at WrestleMania 25!! Just because he is not on TV every week doesn't mean he is retired!! He will not retire for at least three more years!! Do the research! don't just spread rumors August 2009 The undertaker is gone u must face the truth jk he will be returning on one of these 2 ppvs SUMMERSLAM/SURVIVER SERIES so the most u have to wait is about 3 more months
WrestleMania 27 is going to be on April 3, 2011 in Atlanta.
He got a concussion and may be out for either weeks or months. he is not going to be in capital punishment and might come back until maybe September. and HHH is just a backstage person. But now HHH is the new COO as you know! And i read online that Paul Bearer tweeted that Taker was fine after Wrestlemania. So i don't know if thats true or if iets true that he has an concussion
He defeated HHH and then was carried out of the arena on a stretcher.
The Undertaker's opponent at WrestleMania 27 was Triple H.
The UnderTaker did lose at WrestleMania.
the undertaker
The Undertaker defeated Triple H at WrestleMania 27.
I don't think "play" is the right word :) But Triple H will face The Undertaker on WrestleMania 27.
yes the undertaker won at wrestlemania 27 .
at Wrestlemania 27
No one knows that yet, but at WrestleMania 27, Triple H will face Undertaker.
Triple H and Undertaker both agreed to wrestle in a No Holds Barred Match at WrestleMania XXVII.
No. Undertaker won the match.
The Undertaker won by a submission