Not much. They were considered something of a joke at the time, in their native Liverpool, and rivals Derry and the Seniors were afraid Allan Williams's sending them to Hamburg would ruin the chances for other Liverpool bands there. Playing eight and twelve hours a day in Hamburg bars built up their chops; when they returned home five months later, they were vastly improved, and everyone noticed. (Though many of their listeners thought they were German, since they were billed as "Direct from Hamburg".)
It was intelligent, creative, innovative, and the style became more sophisticated as The Beatles were able to use state of the art technology and develop musically. They used Indian influences, started making political commentary and included psychedelic influences. It was all unusually good!
When the Beatles first appeared on the British music scene in 1962 their most marked difference from most other bands was that they drew on so many different influences.
In 1962 most British Pop Music (and almost all the American stuff) was mainly influenced by the American professional songwriters of the Brill Building, New York (including Paul Anka, Neil Sedaka, Carol King and many others).
From the first the Beatles were clearly influenced by authentic black American music (they covered Blind Lemon Jefferson's Matchbox on an early EP - though they mainly followed Carl Perkins' version), by doo-wop bands (Anna Go to Him), as well as being more deeply into middle of the road music than most of their contemporaries were (Till there was you was a song from a Hollywood musical).
One of the truly shocking things about the Beatles first album was their cover of the Marvelettes 'Please Mister Postman'. A white British male band borrowing a song from a Black Chicago girl group just wasn't done back then.
The Beatles offended a lot of people by breaking the rules at the time (especially the rule that white musicians never directly imitated black performers).
They carried on offending people for as long as they lasted. This is how you stay interesting.
not a manufactured group,they came together because of their shared,local connections in the same city-liverpool.wrote and performed their own material.had both a national and international appeal.also appeared in films together and the quality of their music gave them enduring appeal.
The Beatles' basically made songs out of chords and scales. No other band had ever done that before. For proof, just listen to "Blackbird". It is basically a scale! Then of course, you have to also consider the fact that they wrote some of the best songs ever and made their own style!
They were loved and liked for MANY reasons, but I think they were so important during that time because there were NOT many rock bands. So, when they started their band, they were liked immediately because they were one of the first groups to have rock music.
Ever since their first hits, they went uphill erratically!!!!
The Beatles' music was special because they created new sounds and rhythms no one had ever heard.
If Beatles music suits the format of a given radio station or program... why wouldn't they be?
The Beatles influenced music, fashion, culture, and the society. Due to this they are the still the most influential British music group of all time.
Buddy Holly and The Crickets Influenced The Beatles.
The Beatles White album can be purchased in a variety of brick and mortar stores. Some places that one can purchase The Beatles White album offline are Bird land Music and Planet Music.
yes the beatles music was and is legendary!
the band that, perhaps more than any other, helped propel rock music into mainstream America was the Beatles.
The Beatles are considered the biggest band in music, as they are popular with lots of different generations and has sold many different hit records.
by ear, they were all self taught
They evolved music by using different types of music and instruments in their songs which inspired many bands and artists after them.
The Beatles became so famous because their music was so different that people loved it. They were discovered as a British rock band in Liverpool, England, and became famous through their revolutionary music.
The Beatles music is owned by EMI. They have licensed Apple to distribute the music via the iTunes store.
Elvis, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix... Basically all famous musicians had their own unique style of music.
TheBeatles music is older therefore more populair then kisses i wouid choose beatles over kiss any day.
Japan had banned Beatles music. They did because Japan did not appreciate the fact that they had done drugs.
They influenced the music we have today.
Their music, I guess