Reading Rainbow did for 26 years,they stopped because they do not have fund[did not have money].
The duration of Reading Rainbow is 1800.0 seconds.
Reading Rainbow - 1983 Arthur's Eyes - 1.13 was released on: USA: 1983
Reading Rainbow - 1983 Bitty Fish was released on: USA: January 2012
The main host of the PBS show the Reading Rainbow was LeVar Burton. It ran from 1983 to 2006. It encouraged reading among children and won over 200 awards.
Peter Pitofsky
The duration of Reading Rainbow is 1800.0 seconds.
He watched an episode of Reading Rainbow. "Take a look, it's in a book...on reading rainbow!"
Reading Rainbow was created in 1983. It aired on PBS from 1983 to 2006, promoting literacy and a love of reading among children.
"Reading Rainbow" officially ended in 2009, after a 26-year run. The show aimed to promote reading and literacy among children and was hosted by LeVar Burton.
Reading Rainbow - 1983 Arthur's Eyes - 1.13 was released on: USA: 1983
Not all Nate the Great books are on the Reading Rainbow list. While some of the books in the series may have been featured as part of the Reading Rainbow program, not every title in the series is guaranteed to be included.
Reading Rainbow - 1983 The Biggest Test was released on: USA: November 2006
Reading Rainbow - 1983 Boxes for Katje was released on: USA: November 2006
Reading Rainbow - 1983 Bitty Fish was released on: USA: January 2012
Reading Rainbow - 1983 Beegu - 15.4 was released on: USA: 24 January 2005
Reading Rainbow - 1983 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-Y USA:TV-G (1983-1996)