Itachi never goes bad.... even if he did abandon his village and his clan... if you look at it the Village and the leaf village are the ones that are bad. All Itachi was doing was carrying out his orders to kill off his clan in fear that they well start a war with the village. He did not kill Sasuke because he wanted the village to see him as a hero in fact... Itachi made lies to Sasuke in order for him to hate Itachi. That was all part of his plan that Sasuke would never know that Konha was the one that made Itachi slaughter his clan...
So in the end Sasuke and him fight Itachi lets him win so that Sasuke seems like the hero for killing Itachi. Itachi joins the Akatsuki in order to keep a close eye on the group to protect the hidden leaf village. That answer your question?
It is still unknown why Itachi was sick.
Most likely he had cancer or turbeculosis if he was coughing up blood that much.
His disease couldn't have been caused by the M.S. because it only causes blindness to the user.
omg the first answer get your facts straight cancer and those type of diseases that r in real life rnt in naruto lol. and it doesnt only cause blindleness, it also makes your eyes hurt and bleed bad and its not only the mangekyo its all those eye techniques like susanoo amateratsu and mangekyo sharingun, etc..
actually, sasuke didn't kill itachi. when they fought itachi was hurt or sick, and he died. he never intended on killing sasuke. sasuke didn't know about itachi's past
I know for sure you're talking about the latest and last fight Itachi had with Sasuke. Itachi was already close to dying, he was so close to death and blindness that he could of died without any fight; because of the overuse of Mangekyo Sharingan.
: Itachi died because of his over use of the Sharingan, tsukuyomi and amaterasu... He was already dying (using drugs to stay alive) until the day he meets with Sasuke. Sasuke did wound Itachi during their battle, but he did NOT kill Itachi. Itachi let Sasuke Think that he killed him. Sasuke's last jutsu did not hit Itachi in FACT it didn't even touch him.Sasuke kills him after he kills deidara from the akatsukip.s Itachi is not a bad guyLook it upyeah, after Itachi gave Sasuke his Sharigan (which he didn't even know occurred until he woke up with madara) he collapsed, Zetsu even points out that Itachi wasn't dead, he layed in the rain, blind and dying, and Sasuke collapsed next to him. Sasuke is shocked and tired and faints. I actually wondered though about the use of his sharigan it made him blind, but I'm not sure that's what made him sick--it seemed like the same symptoms Teacher and Alphonse(conquers of shambala) had in the FMA series.
No, Itachi was never shown smoking.
no sasuke absorbs orochimaru's body first before orochomaru can do the same to him. But when sasuke fights itachi he cant control orochimarus power and he comes out so itachi kills orochimaru right before sasuke kills itachi
He was not sick
actually, sasuke didn't kill itachi. when they fought itachi was hurt or sick, and he died. he never intended on killing sasuke. sasuke didn't know about itachi's past
I know for sure you're talking about the latest and last fight Itachi had with Sasuke. Itachi was already close to dying, he was so close to death and blindness that he could of died without any fight; because of the overuse of Mangekyo Sharingan.
Well there are 3 theories to this, sasuke and Itchi fight in battle, and some people say, Itachi was already sick, and went to fight sasuke knowing sasuke would win, another is that Itachi was sick before the battle and sasuke defeats him, another is that sasuke just becomes stronger and when they fight Sasuke is stronger then Itchi finally and kills him.
although Sasuke defeats Itachi. Itachi is believed the better ninja of the too. itachi was sick and partial blind according to manga chapter 368 because he was loosing his light in his sharingan. when they fought after sasuke uses his final move itachi merely gets back up. his intentions were never to kill sasuke but to remove orchimaru curse mark seal and to give him the Amaterasu. itachi is believed the prodigy ninja equivalent to the 4th hokage. everything he did was perfect he could have easily killed sasuke in their battle but because of the love for his brother he could not do it.
I love Itachi.
Itachi is dead.
Itachi is Sasuke's brother.
itachi: o/_\O
: Itachi died because of his over use of the Sharingan, tsukuyomi and amaterasu... He was already dying (using drugs to stay alive) until the day he meets with Sasuke. Sasuke did wound Itachi during their battle, but he did NOT kill Itachi. Itachi let Sasuke Think that he killed him. Sasuke's last jutsu did not hit Itachi in FACT it didn't even touch him.Sasuke kills him after he kills deidara from the akatsukip.s Itachi is not a bad guyLook it upyeah, after Itachi gave Sasuke his Sharigan (which he didn't even know occurred until he woke up with madara) he collapsed, Zetsu even points out that Itachi wasn't dead, he layed in the rain, blind and dying, and Sasuke collapsed next to him. Sasuke is shocked and tired and faints. I actually wondered though about the use of his sharigan it made him blind, but I'm not sure that's what made him sick--it seemed like the same symptoms Teacher and Alphonse(conquers of shambala) had in the FMA series.
finish the sasuke vs. Itachi battle and then you'll get itachi
no itachi is dead