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You mean during the second world War? Yes quite badly as well. Read this from Wikapedia. The city's port and industrial facilities, coupled with its proximity to mainland Europe, led to extremely widespread damage by bombing raids during the Second World War; much of the city centre was completely destroyed. Hull was the most severely-bombed British city or town apart from London during World War II, with 95% of houses being damaged or destroyed. Of a population of approximately 320,000 at the beginning of World War II, approximately 192,000 were made homeless as a result of bomb destruction or damage. The worst of the bombing occurred during 1941. Little was known about this destruction by the rest of the country at the time since most of the radio and newspaper reports did not reveal Hull by name but referred to it as a "North-East" town or "northern coastal town". Most of the city centre was rebuilt in the years following the war, but it is only recently that the last of the "temporary" car parks that occupied the spaces of destroyed buildings have been redeveloped.

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*Military targets were bombed. *Nearly alltowns and cities with a population of 100,000+ were bombed. The raid on Coventry in November 1940 is particularly well known, but some places were repeatedly subjected tosevere raids. It is sometimes said that the city worst affected in relation to its size at the time was Hull, which had a population of about 300,000.

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