She's not really embarrassed as you say…she is shock cause she hasn't received any affection from somebody, and po was just brave enough to show her that affection, and she doesn't really know how to react to it
probally not, but po may like tigress, in the first movie when tigress does the splits in mid air po goes all googly eyes and tries to collect the remains of the wooden blocks she smashed, but who knows, it all depends what dreamworks does with the films, but tigress doesn't seem like the person to fall in love.
no Po has a crush on master Tigress as shown in kung fu panda 2 where he hugs her at the end. I believe that she has a crush on him to because earlier in the movie tigress hugs him and says she cannot let her friend get killed. Dude,That was just a friendly hug get real!,Those hugs doesn't have anything to do with Romance between Po and Tigress
tigress i ddnt se them hook up though
No, I think they are just very good friends.
Most likely since as she's Po's favourite member of the Furious Five. It is hinted in the sequel that there is some romance stirring between the two.
well they had there times, tigress non stop smileing,and when she hugged him she understood him and she liked him a lil. at the docks when they got him by a canon. when po was moving towards the plank and pushed tigress away,she reached for him. and when he hugged her she showed no emotion and stood there like a deer in the headlights. plus you know dreamworks paired a hippo and a giraffe. plus a donkey and a DRAGON. its pretty obvious and i hope it happens. i think there cute together. and a few more in the beginning when peng showed pos figures to po monkey laughed and tigress look emberassed but still happy at him, a bit flattered. and when po got shot by a canon tigress was grieving about pos death. its very likely. thats it theres the facts :3
po is older than tigress
Po would punch Master Tigress right INTO THE FACE!
probally not, but po may like tigress, in the first movie when tigress does the splits in mid air po goes all googly eyes and tries to collect the remains of the wooden blocks she smashed, but who knows, it all depends what dreamworks does with the films, but tigress doesn't seem like the person to fall in love.
no Po has a crush on master Tigress as shown in kung fu panda 2 where he hugs her at the end. I believe that she has a crush on him to because earlier in the movie tigress hugs him and says she cannot let her friend get killed. Dude,That was just a friendly hug get real!,Those hugs doesn't have anything to do with Romance between Po and Tigress
Its in toys r us and was in mc donalds a long time ago. On eBay they have lots of tigress things and the price is cheap. i love tigress,but i lost her toy and im going to buy another one from eBay EXTRA: if u think tigress and po love each other.your right!! go to youtube and type in: P.S i love you tigress Click on the picture that looks like po is in the tv. on top of the picture it says P.S i love you tigress The video is cute
tigress i ddnt se them hook up though
No, I think they are just very good friends.
I don't think she's really the type to fall in love at all, but I think Po might have had a small crush on her, considering that she's his favorite among the Furious Five. But you never know, we'll just have to see what Dreamworks does with the movies...
probably, and your right there are alot of hints.