Marcellus paid Butch a lot of money to lose the fight. Butch won the fight, actually killing the opponent. Marcellus obviously lost a lot of money betting on the other guy, on what was supposed to be a sure bet. That's why Marcellus was after Butch.
What was really cool was that Butch and a partner put out the word that Butch was paid to lose the fight, thereby tipping the odds hugely in favor of the other guy - Making Butch a huge long shot. Butch then took that pay-off and bet it on himself, making tons of money off of a fight that he was paid to lose.
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Marcellus Suber's birth name is Douglas Marcellus Suber.
Marcellus Upshaw is 6' 1 1/2".
February 7, 1849 in Montreal
Marcellus murdered his daughter because she was crippled, and the law stated that a deformed child must die.
Butch Byrd is 6'.