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'The show had experienced declining ratings each season, despite picking up a couple of Emmy's along the way. In addition, David E. Kelley, the creator of the series made a deal during the third season to do Life on Mars on ABC if the netork carried Boston Legal one more season. Being that Kelley had exclusive rights to both shows, the network agreed to do so. But declining ratings along with higher writer salaries brought on by the strike may have ultimately brought Kelley and ABC to decide toend the show. Some argue that the high salaries of some of the cast members and guest stars may also have played a role.

The official statement on the ending of the show said that the decision to end the series was made by Kelley himself: "David felt like he had 13 episodes left in him. He really wanted to end it. He really wanted to do some things with our two core characters. It was really his decision. I really like being able to know when shows are going out.... Let's let these creators who have created unbelievably compelling characters and iconic pieces of television, let's let them end it with dignity and integrity and, to me, compelling content. And we can market it as such. For us, it's an advantage. We really appreciate David signing up and getting excited about these final 13. We're talking about how to really sell them as the kind of final crescendo for what for us has been a terrific series."'

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Q: Why was Boston Legal cancelled?
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Boston Legal ended on 2008-12-08.

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Boston Legal was created on 2004-10-03.

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It was cancelled for not getting enough viewings.

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Boston Legal was a TV drama/comedy surrounding the fictional Boston Law Firm, "Crane, Poole & Schmidt".

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It is unknown who sang In Your Life in the Boston Legal series final episode. Boston Legal was on the air for five seasons.

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Boston Legal TV series 2004-2008

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Boston Legal - 2004 Legal Deficits 2-10 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13