No, however as with any literary novel, the reader may choose to interpret the writing in a countless number of ways. The series, however, did catch critism for having misogynistic tones and casting a perpetual damsel in distress.
i do not know if she is racist but it is said she has a thing against fat people and finds them offensive so she probably is a racist.
twilight came out first but, Vampire Diaries already had a book. So basicly it would have to be Twilight but Vampire Diaries was being made at this time.So i would say Twilight but Twilight compied Vampire Diaries.
Edward!!! He is so cool but Robert Patterson is not.
no skynyrd was not a racist band
No Robert Mitchum was not a racist
Racism is a serious issue that affects many aspects of society, including media and entertainment. It's important for creators to be mindful of how their work portrays different races and cultures to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or biases. If you feel that the Twilight movies exhibit racist elements, it's important to critically analyze and discuss these concerns.
No, the company is racist
To me, it looks very racist. So yes.
how can he be racist if he's jewish? i know jews aren't a race, but they're an ethnic group so it would be a bit stereotypical for him to be racist, so I doubt it.
Cocorico; but I sincerely hope that you are not asking so that you can be a racist.
It is not.
Sometimes to white people he makes racist jokes and it does offend both black people and white people so yes he is racist.
I wouldn't think so.
Words that are racist are words that offend other people culture or religion. Also words or cusses that offend the race, colour and so on
No matter where you go in there world, there will in fact be someone who is racist. And so yes, there are some racist Filipinos . . . and Americans, Germans, Irish, Mexicans, British, Chinese . . .
UKIP are not racist, there may be some loonies in the party but so does every party, they believe in common sense and Britain to be British, is that racist, no it isn't.
the best twilight book is... of course the original twilight!