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In the Pilot episode there was a fruit seller that Shawn and Gus were interigating and his head was shaped like a pineapple. But it was cut out because it was not funny. So the pinapple is in his honor

In the Pilot episode there was a fruit seller that Shawn and Gus were interigating and his head was shaped like a pineapple. But it was cut out because it was not funny. So the pinapple is in his honor

he likes pineapples

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because a pineapple was in the script in the pilot episode so the writers decided to make something fun out of it.

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Q: Why is there always an pineapple in every episode of Psych?
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Where are pineapple plantations in Costa Rica?

Every single town!