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its not shaped like a spider, if you look closely its like a starburst. and that's because of Kohaku's sickel hits her right in the middle of her back and then they are both shot with multiple arrows.

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16y ago

It is the scar that she got when her brother got possesed and threw his weapon into her back.

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Q: Why is the scar on sango's back shaped like a spider like narakus?
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It can just be a red back spider...

What kind of spider has a white heart on its back with two small white dots by its butt and lives in PA?

Based on your description, the spider you are most likely referring to is the white-marked jumping spider (Dendryphantes varians). This species is commonly found in Pennsylvania and is known for the distinctive white heart-shaped marking on its back. White-marked jumping spiders are harmless and are beneficial for controlling pest insects in gardens.