its not shaped like a spider, if you look closely its like a starburst. and that's because of Kohaku's sickel hits her right in the middle of her back and then they are both shot with multiple arrows.
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he has a king on his back,matching spider webs with skulls on them on his kneecaps also has his youngest daughter's name "Willow" a cross his chest, as well as two spiritual tattoos on his shoulders, and a butterfly on his hand, and many others
The beginning sounds like "Fever", though it takes some swing/jazz liberties as he begins to dance. When it slows down again, it's back in to "Fever", but then has a part that sounds like it could be from "Mini the Moocher". So, it's either a jazzed up "Fever" or a mash up of several songs.
abby has at least nine tattoos on her neck, arms, back, ankle and other places which are only hinted ;) some are real and some are fake. The spider web, and the cross on her back arent real. but the smiley face on her (right hand i believe) finger, and the infinity symbol on her arm she has in real life. she also has angel and devil stick figures on each shoulder that are real aswell. and the "RIP" tattoo on her arm im not to sure about. she also has a "P" on her wrist that is real. ... there is also a tattoo she has recently got on her back that is some sort of symbol that kind of looks like a flower.
he distracts the spiders and gets them mad and finally frees them
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The spider you are describing is likely the daring jumping spider (Phidippus audax). This spider is known for its distinctive coloration and heart-shaped marking on its back, surrounded by white. Daring jumping spiders are commonly found on the ground where they hunt for prey.
The spider you are referring to is likely the brown recluse spider, which is known for its brown coloration and dark violin-shaped marking on its back.
It sounds like you might be describing a brown recluse spider, which is known for its violin-shaped marking on its back. Brown recluse spiders are venomous and can be found in certain regions of the United States. It's important to exercise caution around them and seek proper pest control measures if they become a concern in your home.
The spider you are describing is the Golden Silk Orb Weaver spider (Nephila clavipes). It is known for its large size, distinctive shape like a shield, golden yellow color, and unique back spikes. It is also recognized by its brown and yellow striped legs.
The brown spider with a V-shaped marking on its back is commonly known as the brown recluse spider. It is significant because of its venomous bite, which can cause serious health issues in humans. These spiders are typically found in dark, secluded areas such as closets, attics, and basements. They are known for their secretive behavior and prefer to hide rather than confront threats.
The spider you are describing sounds like a type of spider mimic called the Spinybacked Orbweaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis). It has a distinctive black body with a red heart-shaped pattern on its back, along with yellow spots, and spines that may resemble a scorpion's tail. They are not harmful to humans and are known for their unique appearance.
A false widow spider is a spider that is known to have a skull depicted on its back. This spider also has orange legs.
The black widow spider is known for having a red hourglass-shaped mark on its abdomen and thick, fuzzy legs. This distinctive marking is a warning signal of its venomous nature.
The zebra spider has a stripe on its back.
The zebra spider has stripes on its back.
The spider you are describing sounds like a grass spider (Agelenopsis), which is typically gray with two distinct black stripes running along its back. These spiders are commonly found in grassy and wooded areas and are known for building funnel-shaped webs to catch their prey.