Sex is a natural part f life and as such is not gross. the people that think that sex is gross are most likely the victims of the same sick fanatical puritanism as those that thought that dancing was wrong as well. You strip and start doing it with kisses is wrong.
The Gross Clinic was created in 1875.
Don Juan Gross is 6' 1".
Gross Development Value is the retail or sale value of property after construction.
A gross is the standard term for a dozen dozens, which is 144.
i think the total gross collection of magadeera will be around 90 crores..............
If you think that sex is gross, there is probably a deeper issue going on. You can bathe before, or after, but if you think sex is gross, you have some deeper issues! Sex is a natrul instinct, it should be normal, perhaps you dont love the man you do it with, have you considerec your sexuality, perhaps you need to look into that further, good luck!
no somtimes that think it is gross
Let's Talk About Sex grossed $373,615 worldwide.
That is really gross and how would your wife approve of you?
The majority of people do not find it gross, but love it dearly. A few people are brought up that sex is dirty and it is not. It is a God given blessing between couples that are united in marriage or commitment.
They have so much sex and kiss and do really gross things.
do things most people would think is gross to arouse you and your partner
Because they're dumb-asses.
DON'T PLAY IT! It's gross, who made this question?
nothing. it's edible, biomaterial. though kinda gross
yes da you retards get off the computer and go get a girlfriend! or a boyfriend! do something illegal! have sex!
By the way it sounds ....No to be crude or gross probably has to do with oral sex