In the Lord of the Flies, Piggy is treated like trash... by everyone.
He is teased because of his overweight appearance, and is (dare I say) the most civil child of all of them. Piggy puts up with it most of the time, except for the few instances when he defends himself.
He ends up dying because of a trap involving a wooden log hurling him to his death. Ralph (the protagonist) remembers him fondly, although he was one of the worst offenders (along with Jack) to Piggy.
Sources: I've read the novel. :)
Piggy is described in the first chapter as being very fat and shorter than the boy with fair hair, Ralph. He wears thick glasses and a greasy wind-breaker jacket. Piggy has thinning short hair which never seems to get any longer. He suffers from Asthma and is avoids anything which involves physical activity. Piggy can't swim and the other boys view him as an outsider who is talks like a grown up and doesn't fit in.
Other than aksing for names Piggy doesn't interact with any small boy in chapter one. In chapter two, when the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face is asked about what he claims to have seen the previous night, Piggy knelt by the small boy and relayed what he said to the rest of the boys.
it was piggy
Piggy's glasses.
Piggy is killed at Castle Rock in Lord Of The Flies.
understanding compassionate loving passionate reserved quiet caring fat/ porky (Piggy- pig like traits) has Asthma was bullied acts as a "parent" intelligent
It is not.
In "Lord of the Flies," the character named Piggy finds the conch.
Piggy. We know from the beginning of the novel that he WA bullied at school ("as long as they don't call me what they used to.."). At the end, he does get what he wanted. as Ralph weeps "for the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy"
Piggy in "Lord of the Flies" does not have a specific disease. He is portrayed as overweight, asthmatic, and socially awkward, but his character does not explicitly have a mentioned disease.
Piggy finds the spectacles in Lord of the Flies. He uses them to start the signal fire and later relies on them to see clearly.