When Zac Efron have a sit his name is Zac Efron. When Zac Efron have a sit his name is Zac Efron.
Try looking for Zac Efron instead.
Zac Efron was born in October 18, 1987 , and now he is available
People say they are physically similar looking, but no, Jared Leto and Zac Efron are not related in any way.
i think he is... he is good looking, and he knows it :P
When Zac Efron have a sit his name is Zac Efron. When Zac Efron have a sit his name is Zac Efron.
Try looking for Zac Efron instead.
no Ashley tisdale admited zac efron was a nice looking guy but they are defonatly not going out as zac efron is currently with co-star vanessa anne hudgens at the current moment
Zac Efron!
Vanessa Hugens is datind Zac Efron! Vanessa Hugens is datind Zac Efron!
Zac does not have a sister, But he has a younger brother, Dylan.
Yes, Dylan Efron is Zac Efron's younger brother.
Yes, Zac Efron did get a haircut.
zac efron
Nope Zac Efron Is Not In Hospital :) RUMOR:) xxxxxNope Zac Efron Is Not In Hospital :) RUMOR:) xxxxx