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he is so evil because he has never know love. Dumbledore kept telling harry that love was the best weapon, this is because voldemort never loved anyone. He was also very bitter towards his father, and how he left his mother. So he killed her family because she didnt use magic and she fell for a muggle.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Voldemort believes that only wizards who come from an all wizard families (pure bloods) deserve magic and he is extremely power hungry. He'll do anything to gain power and cheat death. He is responsible for recruiting death eaters who murder for him and torture anyone who gets in his way. Mudbloods (wizards born from muggles) are often mistreated and killed because of their family. He attemped to kill Harry, but failed. However, he killed harry's parents. Voldemort once told Professor Quirrell, "There is no good and evil; Just power, and those too weak to see it."- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Voldemort became bad because he grew up without anyone caring for him. His mother died giving birth and his father gave him up. When Voldemort discovered his father had given him up and that he was a muggle he killed his father and grandparents. He then decided all muggle's and muggle-born's were bad and had to pay.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Good and bad are subjective terms. It really depends on how you define each, as everybody believes in different things and some believe certain things are wrong while others think it is okay.

Voldemort is portrayed a the bad guy and to most people he is. He murders innocent human beings, wants to control all muggles and believes that muggle-borns are inferior to pure and half-bloods. Yet he was supported by others who thought he was good.

Most people would consider Voldemort to be the baddie. That is, after all, the way J.K Rowling intended him to be perceived.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Voldemort is bad because he was an orphan and didnt have any friends because he was differant.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

He became bad during the time that he was in Hogwarts and afterwards, however it was influenced by his traumatic childhood

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I want to rule the world that's why.... ! ~LV~

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Yes, Voldemort was very evil. He did not really care for anyone, and would do anything (including murder) to work towards his own personal power.

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