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it was called Woodstock to attract artist like jimi Hendrix,Janis Joplin and especially bob Dylan who lived in Woodstock. it did fail to attract bob Dylan which was their major dissappointment.

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Q: Why is The Festival called Woodstock when it was held in Bethel?
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The first Woodstock Festival took place on which date?

Your Answer: 15-Aug-69Did you know:The Woodstock Music and Art Festival was actually held in the town of Bethel, New York, 40 miles from the town of Woodstock.1969

Where was the Woodstock festival held in 1969?

The Woodstock music festival was held on a 600-acre dairy farm owned by Max Yasgur. The farm is located in Bethel, New York in the hamlet of White Lake. The festival lasted from August 15 to 18, 1969.

What state was Woodstock in the 60's?

Woodstock 1969 was held in Bethel, New York.

How did the Woodstock Festival get its name?

The event was originally scheduled to take place in the town of Woodstock, New York. The venue fell through and at the last minute a new place had to be found. The farm used was Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel NY. With posters already printed and all of the word of mouth, the name of the event was not changed.

Where was Woodstock originally going to be held?

Woodstock, New York

A famous arts music festival held in the late 1960s was called?


A famous arts and music festival held in the late 1960s was called?


What famous music festival was held up in upstate New York?


Was Woodstock illegal?

No, the owner of the farm where the festival was held was paid $75k rental, surrounding properties were paid $25k to rent their land as well. Bethel, New York (where the concert was held) authorities were involved in the planning as well.

Where was Woodstock 69 held?

Max Yusgar's farm in White Lake (Bethel) New York.

Where was Woodstock held?

Yasgars Farm in upstate New York, close to the Massachusetts border.

What A famous arts and music festival held in the late 1960s was called?

You're probably thinking of Woodstock.