It is rated PG-13 in the US and PG in Canada.It is rated 12A in the UK.
it is rated pg-13.
its rated pg-13(:
It is rated PG-13
The Lovely Bones movie is rated PG 13
parental guidence
it shouldn't be it should be pg-13
Footloose (1984) is rated PG. Footloose (2011) is rated PG-13.
Bob's Burgers - 2011 Bob and Deliver 4-7 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG
Beastly is rated PG-13.
Not rated
no it is rated pg-13
It was rated PG.
It is rated PG-13 in the US and PG in Canada.It is rated 12A in the UK.
pg- 13It is rated pg for graphic images.
No. It's rated PG. It was rated before the PG-13 rating existed.
No. It's rated PG