Rae Sremmurd is Ear Drummers backwards. EarDrummers is the label Rae Sremmurd is signed to.
Ciena Rae's birth name is Ciena Rae Nelson.
Rae Johnston's birth name is Rae Therese Andonopoulos.
Cassidey's birth name is Bobbie Jean Deaguero.
Chelsi Almeida's birth name is Chelsi Camille Almeida.
Leenuh Rae was born on August 3, 1985, in Panama City, Panama.
Rae Sremmurd is from Tupelo Mississippi. They are currently based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Rae Sremmuds is the group. The brothers are Swae Lee and Slim Jimmy.
Rae Sremmurd sings the song No Type.
Rae Sremmurd is composed of two siblings Swae Lee, and Slim Jimmy. Swae Lee is 19, and Slim Jimmy is 20 years old.
Rae Foster's birth name is Rae Foster.
Alejandro Rae's birth name is Alejandro Rae.
Ciena Rae's birth name is Ciena Rae Nelson.
Rae Robison's birth name is Lisa Rae Robison.
Rae Kidd's birth name is Rae Kathleen Kidd.
Bob Rae's birth name is Robert Keith Rae.
Charlotte Rae's birth name is Lubotsky, Charlotte Rae.
Jackie Rae's birth name is John Arthur Rae.