She had a stroke.
Patricia Arquette's birth name is Patricia T. Arquette.
No, patricia arquette is not single.
patricia arquette married to Nicolas Cage from 1995 to 2001 patricia arquette married to Thomas Jane from 2006 to 2011
patricia arquette has 2 children
Born April 08, 1968 - Actress Patricia Arquette is the granddaughter of Cliff Arquette, the daughter of character actor Lewis Arquette, and the sister of actors Rosanna Arquette, David Arquette and Alexis Arquette.
Patricia Arquette's birth name is Patricia T. Arquette.
patricia arquette is a/an Actress
No, patricia arquette is not single.
patricia arquette married to Nicolas Cage from 1995 to 2001 patricia arquette married to Thomas Jane from 2006 to 2011
Yes, patricia arquette has 2 kids.
Yes, patricia arquette has 2 kids.
patricia arquette has 2 children
patricia arquette has 2 children
Patricia Arquette was born on April 8, 1968.
patricia arquette was born on April 8, 1968
Patricia Arquette was born on April 8, 1968.
patricia arquette married to Nicolas Cage from 1995 to 2001 patricia arquette married to Thomas Jane from 2006 to 2011