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He started on KSL in Salt Lake City on Monday Morning, October 29th. How many weathermen does KSL need? I wonder if someone is leaving?

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Mossie Lueilwitz

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10y ago

John Goulet has been the weekend weatherman for Fox KSTU Channel 13 in Salt Lake City since 2009.

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Raniyah Johnson

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17y ago

He started on KSL in Salt Lake City on Monday Morning, October 29th. How many weathermen does KSL need? I wonder if someone is leaving?

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He was laid off

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Q: Why is John goulet no longer with KUTV news?
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How do you get the recipe on kutv news 1200?

KUTV News gets there recipes from restaurants and health organizations in the Salt Lake City area. Contact the general manger by phone to talk about them using your recipe for a cooking segment.

Why did kelly Chapman leave kutv 12 in Utah?

First of all, KUTV is 2, not 12. This may be merely a typo. I am not Kelly's representative, but as a former broadcaster, I can safely assume that she was given more money and/or more prestige at Fox 13. The prestige is evident. She anchors the weekend morning news, where at KUTV she seemed to be tied to the status of morning news "cub" reporter.

What happened to Nicole Hunter of KUTV2?

She is currently working for Channel 13 news in Utah

What happened to kutv 2 morning news on Saturday?

It was canceled. Evidently, it was out of the blue for the employees. A surprise meeting was called after the news on Sunday, June 7 saying it they just finished their last newscast. I guess the management company doesn't like weekend morning news. Another way to trim the budget I guess!

Where did Allie Mac Kay go when she left KUTV 2 News?

I work in a bar called Vintage Texas and she was in for the Cowboys/Patriots game in DFW Airport! A real fun girl! LOVED HER! She got delayed for 12 hours and got hammered!!! Makers Mark and Diet Coke! KTLA mornings in Los Angeles

When was John Riddell - news - born?

John Riddell - news - was born in 1956.

John broke the news to his father in the car What break the news mean?

"John broke the news to his father" means that John made known to his father some new or important information.

How did Saint John spread the news?

Which Saint John? There are over 100.

What has the author John Longhurst written?

John Longhurst has written: 'Making the News'

Why is old news an oxymoron?

"Old news" is considered an oxymoron because news by definition is expected to be current and up-to-date. The term "old news" implies that it is no longer new or relevant, contradicting the typical nature of news.