Jack wanted to be rescued and had is mind set on it. However, after he killed the pig and put it's head on the stick, he became obsessed about hunting and controlling the Tribe.
Because in order to form a ring of boys, to trap and kill the pig, Jack made use of all of his hunters including the two who should have been looking after the signal fire. The result was that, although Jack and his hunters killed a pig, the fire went out. When Jack tries to tell Ralph about the hunt he is confused by Ralph interupting him to say, "You let the fire go out." Jack thinks that this is of little consequence and brushes it aside by saying "We can light it again." Ralph then ruins Jacks triumph completely by reiterating, "You let the fire go out, there was a bloody ship, we might have been rescued." To add insult to injury (from Jack's viewpoint) Ralph reasserts his own authority as chief by standing in the ashes of the dead fire, which forces the boys to build a new fire in another place.
The reason however, Jack is portrayed as the evil one, is because the story is from Ralph's perspective. He is the main character. He is the character that the story revolves around, and it's his thoughts you hear mainly throughout the book, so Jack is not the evil one per se.
This is one persons interpretation of evil, however, the real "evil" person on the island is in fact Roger. He is the only character in the novel who does not develop, but is revealed! He represents the merciless type of killer and torturer whose sadistic tendencies are let loose on society if dictators (Jack) take control. Characters like Roger are not leaders, but help to make tyrannical leaders stronger. So if you are doing a question on Evil or darkness, talk more about Roger, and Simon (because he is the only character to realise that the beast is inside the boys "the darkness of man's heart")
Jack wants to be chief in Lord of the Flies because he is convinced of his importance and superiority. He is a boy who is full of arrogance.
Jack is the leader of the choir and the one who leads the break away group, who split from Ralph's lot to form a tribe.
In txt, Golding says that Piggy didn't vote for Jack, as all of the choir did, instead, when Ralph asks for his votes, Piggy reluctantly puts his hand up. Whether or not he really wants it is out of the question, fact is he still voted for Ralph
In the book, the kids refer to the littluns as insects. Piggy even says that he couldn't remember all their names because there were SO many. Thus, they are considered to be like swarming flies. Too many to count, and insect-like. That is one reason why the book is called Lord of the Flies. The other reason is that from time immemorial, one of the many names for Satan has been "The Lord of the Flies". The older boys (excluding Piggy) are the Lords of the Flies. The protagonist, Ralph, is THE Lord of the Flies. Satan is the embodiment of all that is evil. This is eventually what the boys become as time goes on - truly evil.
Jack is one of the central characters in the story, The Lord of the Flies. He smears clay on his face and has a sadistic look whenever he hunts animals.
no - all the choir boys do... it's their school uniform; a catholic boarding school.
One of the many main conflicts in the story is good versus evil, represented by Ralph and jack, respectively. jack serves as the symbol of evil, as he is against the civilization and society of the island which Ralph is trying to keep together.
In "Lord of the Flies," flies are often seen swarming around the pig's head, known as the Lord of the Flies. This symbolizes the presence of evil on the island and the boys' descent into savagery. The flies also represent decay and the moral corruption of the boys as they lose their humanity.
Jack does not have a family explicitly mentioned in "Lord of the Flies." The focus in the novel is primarily on the group of boys stranded on the island and their descent into savagery, rather than on their past lives or families.
In the story "Lord of the Flies", Jack scolds Piggy for speaking out of turn. Jack slaps Piggy across the face, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses.
Jack has not been to the part of the island where Simon's secluded clearing is located in "Lord of the Flies."
Jack is the leader of the choir and the one who leads the break away group, who split from Ralph's lot to form a tribe.
In the book The Lord of the Flies by chapter 9 Ralph, Piggy, and the twins are the people who have not joined Jack's group. After the twins are captured and Piggy is killed that leaves Ralph as the one person who is not a part of Jack's tribe.
In txt, Golding says that Piggy didn't vote for Jack, as all of the choir did, instead, when Ralph asks for his votes, Piggy reluctantly puts his hand up. Whether or not he really wants it is out of the question, fact is he still voted for Ralph
In "Lord of the Flies," the head of the choir was Jack Merridew, who later becomes the leader of a group of boys in their struggle for power and survival on the island. Jack's descent into savagery and his desire for power make him one of the main antagonists in the novel.
In the book, the kids refer to the littluns as insects. Piggy even says that he couldn't remember all their names because there were SO many. Thus, they are considered to be like swarming flies. Too many to count, and insect-like. That is one reason why the book is called Lord of the Flies. The other reason is that from time immemorial, one of the many names for Satan has been "The Lord of the Flies". The older boys (excluding Piggy) are the Lords of the Flies. The protagonist, Ralph, is THE Lord of the Flies. Satan is the embodiment of all that is evil. This is eventually what the boys become as time goes on - truly evil.
In "Lord of the Flies," after the boys' assembly, only Jack and his choirboys vote for Jack to be chief. This means the majority of the boys, including Ralph, did not vote for Jack to be chief.
In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, it is strongly implied that Jack is the one who kills the pig by slitting its throat. This act marks a turning point in the novel, symbolizing the boys' descent into savagery.