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Irene is an in-Valid because she has a heart problem. People with conditions can't be risked into space because accidents may occur.

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Q: Why is Irene unlikely to travel into space in the movie 'Gattaca'?
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Who is Ethan's gattaca co-star?

The movie Gattaca stars Ethan Hawke as Vincent "Jerome Morrow" Freemen, Jude Law as Jerome "Eugene" Morrow, and Uma Thurman as Irene Cassini. Alan Arkin is a publicized actor in Gattaca; however, it is purely for publicity purposes, as his role as Detective Hugo is a minor one.

What are facts about the movie gattaca?

Uma Thurman's character is named Irene Cassini. Cassini is the surname of the 17th century French-Italian astronomer, Jean Dominique Cassini, who discovered the prominent gap in Saturn's main rings, as well as the icy moons, Iapetus, Dione, Rhea, and Tethys. The space mission in Gattaca is destined for Saturn.More facts at: http:/

What are hoovers in the movie gattaca?

Police that regulate the rules

What is Vincent's life expectancy in the movie 'Gattaca'?

30.2 years

What does gerome do for a living in gattaca?

In the movie "Gattaca," Jerome Morrow is a former swimming champion who works as a caretaker for genetically superior individuals. He provides his genetic identity to Vincent, the protagonist, so that Vincent can assume his identity and pursue his dreams of space travel despite his inferior genetics.

What is unusual about the piano player when Vincent and Irene go to a concert in the movie 'Gattaca'?

He has an extra finger on each hand allowing him to play peices musicians with ten fingers cannot.

In the movie gattaca why was Vincent pretending to be jerome marrow?

Vincent is considered an in-valid. Jerome is a valid. Vincent needed Jerome's genes to work at Gattaca.

What have you already enough of built in according to the geneticist in the movie 'Gattaca'?


Who wrote Gattica?

The movie Gattaca was written and directed by Andrew Niccol.

In GATTACA what was Vincent's career goal?

Vincent's career goal in the movie "Gattaca" was to become an astronaut and travel to space. Despite facing genetic discrimination and being deemed unfit for the position due to his "inferior" genetics, Vincent pursued his dream relentlessly by assuming the identity of a genetically superior individual.

What Vincent means by there is no gene for fate during movie Gattaca?

your destiny is not already determined by your genetics, so you have the power to change your fate

How is discrimination portrayed in this movie who is discriminated against and why what are the results in the movie gattaca?

Mr Scott wouldn't like this