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First of all, his eyes are green, and second, it's probably because of the sand.

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that's just the way he was drawn, it's like saying, why does naruto have scratches on his face.

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Q: Why is Gaara's third eye brown while his eyes are blue?
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Are the colors brown and blue the same?

No, brown and blue are not the same colors. Brown is a mixture of red, yellow, and black, while blue is a primary color on the color wheel. They are distinct hues with different properties and visual characteristics.

What is the colour of a lobster while it is not cooked?

It depends on the lobsters species. They can be red,green,orange and blue!

Are blue eyes more dominant than brown eyes?

No, brown eyes are more dominant than blue eyes genetically. Brown eye color is a dominant trait, while blue eye color is a recessive trait. This means that if a person has one gene for blue eyes and one gene for brown eyes, the brown eye gene will be expressed.

What blue or brown eyes an example of?

An example of blue eyes would be actress Scarlett Johansson, while an example of brown eyes would be actor Idris Elba.

How can this be possible where the couple has brown eyes and the child can have blue eyes?

Blue eyes are a recessive trait, while brown eyes are dominant. If both parents are heterozygous for brown eyes, it means they both carry the recessive trait for blue eyes, and so there is a 25% chance their offspring will be blue-eyed.

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You both carried the gene for blue eyes as a recessive gene.

My mom has dark brown eyes while my dad has light blue eyes can my blue eyes turn brown even if i am in my teens?

No, is my answer. I have never heard of blue eyes turning brown. That is why eye color is a common means of identification. Of course, there are tinted contact lenses nowadays.

What gender budgie if it has a blue and purple cere?

A budgie with a blue and purple cere is likely a female. In budgies, males typically have a blue cere while females have a purple or brown cere. The color of the cere can sometimes indicate the gender of the budgie.

What color are Terry Fox's eyes?

his eyes are blue

Why do some people have blue eyes and some have brown?

Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in the iris. Brown eyes have more melanin, while blue eyes have less. The genetics that control melanin production are inherited from our parents, leading to different eye colors in different individuals.

Henry VIII eye colour?

Blue. 'Proper blue,' like shot with light, y'know? And golden-haired.

What do blue eyes lack?

Brown.... blue eyes lack brown....