The movie has some swear words in it and has scenes containing sexuality.
The movie is rated R.
The Hunger Games is rated PG-13 in the USA and 12A in the UK.
Ghost Rider is PG13 rated. There is violence, smoking, drinking, and bad language.
FanBoy is rated PG13. Iv looked up why it is rated that and i got the following anser; PG-13 for pervasive crude and sexual material, language and drug. Your welcome. <3Paige.
it is unrated.......................................... PG13 tough luck
because it is
It's PG13. NOT RATED R. If it was then it wouldn't be made by Disney
Yes its pg13
the hobbit is rated pg13
It will be rated PG13 for adventure and violence.
The Notebook (2004) is rated PG-13.