must be mainly cuz of the crippler crossface, its to poweful and ( remember when he first came into the wwe his har and sideburns made him look like a wolf) may be dat's y hez called the rabid wolverrine, I'm bad at dis
The Hard Knox and the Heads is an awesome band out of Austin, TX. Sounds like:"Imagine being really drunk and puking into a metal trash can. Then somebody kicks you into the trash can and tosses in a rabid beaver, a saxophone and a hooker. Then they slam on the lid and roll you down a hill into a lake. What sort of noises would that trash can make as its inhabitants contemplated the ending of their lives? What salacious melodies might drift up through the icy waters from the trash can of death? It just might sound like Hard Knox and the Heads." They don't play very often...they should.
The cast of Hedwig and the Angry Inch - 2001 includes: Taylor Abrahamse as Singing Boy Michael Aronov as Schlatko - Band Member Ermes Blarasin as Fat Man John Cameron Mitchell as Hedwig Rob Campbell as Krzysztof - Band Member Maurice Dean Wint as Sgt. Luther Robinson Mary Krohnert as Rabid Fan Theodore Liscinski as Jacek - Band Member Shane Mackinnon as HedHead Alan Mandell as Patron at restaurant Andrea Martin as Phyllis Stein Maggie Moore as Trailer Park Neighbor Renate Options as Tranny Hooker Miriam Shor as Yitzhak Max Toulch as Goth Menses Boy Stephen Trask as Skszp - Band Member
Joseph Meister was the first person to be treated from rabies. He was treated by Louis Pasteur. Joseph Meister was a 9-year-old boy who had been attacked by a rabid dog (which he had provoked by poking it with a stick), an automatic death sentence at the time (1885). Louis Pasteur administered an early, experimental version of his rabies vaccine to Meister, who survived - the first person in history so treated. Good thing it worked: Pasteur was not a licensed physician, and could have been prosecuted, but since he saved the boy from an inevitable, agonizing death, legalities were overlooked and he became a national hero. Meister went on to become somewhat of a hero himself, as the caretaker at the Pasteur Institute: In 1940, he committed suicide at age 64 by shooting himself with his WWI service revolver, rather than allow the Wehrmacht to enter the Pasteurs' crypt.
Ronald Govey has: Performed in "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" in 1950. Played Wilf Shelley in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Crouch in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Bert Ross in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Cafe Proprietor in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Colby in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Trent in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Jordan in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Played Bank Manager in "The Avengers" in 1961. Played Bunkin in "Z Cars" in 1962. Played Investigator in "Public Eye" in 1965. Played Police chief in "Vendetta" in 1966. Played Durrel in "Softly Softly" in 1966. Played Moxon in "Softly Softly" in 1966. Played Monk in "Freewheelers" in 1968. Played Mr. Ellis in "Special Branch" in 1969. Played Hotel Manager in "The Befrienders" in 1972. Played Prince Lyov in "Fall of Eagles" in 1974. Played Mr. Lee in "Seven Faces of Woman" in 1974. Played 2nd Sergeant in "Yes, Honestly" in 1976. Played Jack in "Holding On" in 1977. Played Relf in "Blakes 7" in 1978. Played Cinema Manager in "The Gentle Touch" in 1980. Played Mortuary Attendant Duffy in "The Enigma Files" in 1980.
He had 3, "The Canadian Crippler", "The Rabid Wolverine", and "The Best Technical Wrestler in the World".
rabid man
not rabid
A rabid cat acts rabid
The boy was rabid.
behaviour of a rabid dog
As wild as a pack of wolves howling at a full moon on a starry night.
The Rabid Whole was created in 2007.
Rabid Reaction was created in 1985.
Rabid Grannies was created in 1988.
Ya, there is a species of spiders called Wolf Spiders
it is illegal to own a rabid animal.